
‘Stunned’ Republicans React to McCarthy Leak

It took House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) a record 15 ballots to secure the speakership, but his recently leaked comments cast doubt on the remainder of his term.

A New York Times report has stoked tension between House Republicans. The report details how McCarthy’s bitter speakership battle resulted in a loss of confidence between McCarthy and the members he’s meant to lead.

Of particular concern to McCarthy are Jody Arrington (R-TX) and Steve Scalise (R-LA), who both hold significant responsibilities and positions within the House.

“Mr. McCarthy has told colleagues he has no confidence in Mr. Arrington, the man responsible for delivering a budget framework laying out the spending cuts that Republicans have said they will demand in exchange for any move to increase the debt limit,” the Times reported.

Arrington notoriously sought to go behind McCarthy’s back to nominate Scalise during the speakership fight.

As a result, McCarthy sees Arrington “as incompetent, according to more than half a dozen people familiar with this his thinking,” the Times also stated.

The squabbling has not remained private. A House Republican speaking privately to Axios said, “The members I’ve spoken with are just stunned by his rebuking of his budget chair, and certainly of our leadership.”

The unnamed Republican was apparently doubtful McCarthy would complete a full term in the speakership position.

Representative Ralph Norman (R-SC) spoke to Axios on the record, saying it was on McCarthy to repair relationships and get the House together.

“The agreements made by Speaker McCarthy, among other things, is to begin the ten year balanced budget NOW and with his initiatives & directives, it’s HIS responsibility to get the 218 votes,” Norman said.

A senior House Republican seemed to agree in statements to Politico.

“He made a bunch of promises during the speaker race that were always untenable, but he made them anyway,” the member said. “At a certain point, a lot of that stuff is going to collide, and he’s getting nervous and looking for others to blame.”

The true extent to which these inner squabbles will affect McCarthy’s leadership or the House GOP’s ability to work together remains to be seen.


  1. What I want to know is why are two other republicans spilling their guts to Politico and Axios? These two have no integrity or concern for the welfare of this country. If they disagree, that’s perfectly fine. Just keep between to themselves and the person they disagree with.

  2. Personally, he was not my first choice for the leadership position, but I am willing to give him my support for now. There were others who were less politicians and more for the people type of people that I would have prefered.

  3. Not at all sure about the wisdom or integrity of any Republican who has announced support for Nikki Haley (Ralph Norman).

  4. It’s so disheartening to me how just when we need strong, traditional, leadership, the Republicans once again fritter away their majority. It’s like they are being masochistic, and turning on their own . A divided group can’t stand. We are playing with fire in this country.

  5. The method by which McCarthy received the speaker role shows, to me, that the Republicans are finally fighting to represent their constituents. This does not mean falling in line (like Pelosi’s puppets do) but instead having those difficult, free speech, conversations until a close consensus is reached. I believe the process has made the party stronger. But then there will always be whiners and destructive, narcissistic RINOS to deal with. RINOS are just another faction of the left.

  6. The issue involving McCarthy’s bid for the Speaker role was tainted only in that it displayed the fractures existing within the party. These fractures and factions within the party don’t realize the hurt they put on GOP supporters and it is the same fractures that lost the GOP the ‘Tsunami’ during the mid terms. Some are so selfish in pushing their own self interests they forsake the people who are the priority. I like Gaetz and Greene but their adamant stance against McCarthy hurt the party and the people in exposing the broken party causing much doubts to linger. Unity and Solidarity are the key to future successes and if these ‘Look at me’ Senators can’t see that, then we are in for some deep hurts

    • Sorry, Richard, I feel that you do not understand or acknowledge the rampant voter
      fraud committed by Democrats in the last elections. This has probably always been
      present, just not so much or in such a variety of creative ways. The Democrats were
      hugely surprised when Trump won in 2016; they thought they had it! They have now more than doubled the ways and means of cheating. Those who stood the
      ground with McCarthy are the bravest of the brave. I am sick of the RINOS, of
      whom, McCain is still the poster boy. Special prayers for the genuine patriots who
      are trying to save our nation. D.C. needs a gigantic house cleaning, top to bottom.
      The annual budget over rides are a sickness that needs to be cured

  7. Good news…..McConnel is retiring….did someone threaten to expose his CCP financial links arranged by his wife?

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