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Federal Bureaucrats Hold ‘Hunger Strike’ To Oppose Israel

Shortly after the Hamas terrorist attack that left over a thousand people dead in October 2023, the Biden administration found itself having trouble with its own staff. 

Shortly after the largest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, far left in the State Department began furiously opposing the president’s wishes, choosing to support Hamas over Israel. 

Now, it looks like anti-Israel sentiment has begun to impact more federal agencies. The Guardian explains how some federal bureaucrats have decided they can no longer be nonpartisan on topics related to their jobs.  

US government employees are planning a “day of fasting for Gaza” this week to draw attention to the humanitarian crisis in the territory and to denounce Joe Biden’s policy toward Israel.

Representatives for Feds United for Peace, a group of several dozen government employees frustrated with the Gaza crisis who organized an office walkout earlier in the month, told the Guardian that on Thursday its members will stage a one-day hunger strike. Participating federal employees are expected to show up to their offices dressed in black or wearing keffiyeh scarves or other symbols of Palestinian solidarity.

A federal employee speaking on behalf of the group said the Day of Fasting is a response to Israel’s use of “starvation as a weapon of war by intentionally withholding food from entering Gaza”, citing UN reporting that up 2 million people in the territory are at risk of famine.

The group says its members represent more than two dozen agencies, among them the departments of defense, homeland security and state, and include career public servants and political appointees. They expect hundreds of government employees to participate.

The Biden administration recently announced that it would stop sending money to a UN program whose employees participated in the terror attacks and kidnappings. 

New Conservative Post has noted that Democrats have an antisemitism problem among their staffers that they refuse to grapple with. For example, last November, the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee was attacked by a mob demanding “ceasefire” in Gaza. 

During the same month, 50 Democratic National Committee employees signed an open letter to their leadership last week, calling on President Joe Biden to seek a cease-fire in Israel’s escalating war against Hamas.

The Huffington Post wrote that “the letter’s signers, who chose to remain anonymous, work at the primary organizing body for the Democratic Party, which is handling the bulk of Biden’s fundraising and the coordinated campaign for his reelection.

The document, which was shared exclusively with HuffPost, underscores how frustrated many Democrats — as well as administration officials, including career diplomats — have become with Biden’s reluctance to demand Israeli restraint in the country’s now month-long offensive against Hamas, the Gaza-based Palestinian militant group.

Hundreds of congressional personnel have also signed a separate letter asking lawmakers to demand a cease-fire amid the costly fighting. And as HuffPost reported on Thursday, staff members at the State Department have submitted at least two formal expressions of dissent through a specially designed “dissent channel” urging the U.S. to do more to end the war.

A group of staff alumni of Biden’s presidential campaign also sent a letter to Biden calling for him to back a cease-fire.”

Israel believes that over 132 hostages, including two children, still remain hostages to Hamas, an issue that has rarely shown up in the dissents and protests by liberals. 

[Read More: Bombshell Report Reveals UN Workers Participated In Terror Attacks]


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