[Adam Jones from Kelowna, BC, Canada, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

New York Enacts Unbelievable New Gun Law

It’s often noted that liberals believe that because they understand little to nothing about gums, they just assume that it must mean that no one knows anything about guns.

No state has exemplified that more than New York. Democrats in the Empire State have come up with one of the sillier gun laws to ever hit the books.

Did you know guns are dangerous? One outlet writes that Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul wants to make sure you, and everyone else, knows just in case.

New York Senate Bill S6649 will require gun stores and gunsmiths to place signs—yes multiple signs—that warn customers that firearm purchases “significantly increase” the risk of suicide, lethal domestic violence or deadly accidents to children.

The actual warning sign must read:

“Access to a weapon or firearm in the home significantly increases the risk of suicide, death during domestic disputes, and/or unintentional deaths to children, household members and others. If you or a loved one is experiencing distress and/or depression, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.”

The soon to be law, sitting on Governor Kathy Hochul’s desk ready for her expected signature, requires multiple warning signs to be hung. One warning sign must be posted at an entrance, a second where the firearms are being sold and “at least one more in an additional area” by licensed gun dealers or gunsmiths.

Hochul has signed several gun laws that border on infringing on the Second Amendment. In 2022, she signed a rash of laws that went into effect, including “background checks are now required for ammunition purchases. Dealers will now also submit background check requests to New York State Police, instead of submitting requests directly from the FBI.

To cover the cost of the New York State background check system, there is now a $9.00 fee on all firearm transactions, and a $2.50 fee for all ammunition sales.

She also made it much more difficult to to receive a concealed carry permit, enacting requirements that force those looking to protect themselves to have in-person interviews, list their family members, and have four character references.

[Read More: Trump Makes Big Endorsement In Swing State]


  1. So when will the following come in to play: (posted at polling places) “WARNING – continuing to elect ‘professional’ politicians may be hazardous to your independence and civil liberties”
    Such a warning would likely be more effective than the anti gun signs but of course she would never approve of that.

  2. It should read… “WARNING – continuing to elect ‘democrat’ politicians may be hazardous to your independence and civil liberties”.

  3. Any “Right” that the Constitution gives to the people can not be taxed, fees attached to it, or laws made effecting that “Right”..

    I wonder why the demons ignore this..

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