
Trump Team Presents Last Minute Witness in New York

Over the weekend, it emerged that the Manhattan grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump over a hush-money payment will hear from one more witness on Monday. Star witness, and ex-Trump attorney, Michael Cohen was told to stand by as a rebuttal witness.

A person familiar with the matter told the Associate Press that Robert Costello, a lawyer who previously advised Cohen, is the last minute witness.

Costello reportedly contacted a lawyer on Trump’s team saying he had information the contradicted Cohen’s statements that could exonerate Trump.

That lawyer informed the district attorney’s office, which subpoenaed Costello’s law firm for documents and invited him to testify on Monday.

The Manhattan district attorney’s office did not comment on the revelation, but under New York law, a person who is expected to be indicted can request a witness to appear on their behalf.

Before Costello was revealed as the witness, Cohen said he was asked to stand by as a rebuttal witness to potentially refute Costello’s testimony.

“I don’t know who the person is,” Cohen said to MSNBC’s Alex Witt. “It’s a little premature for me to be answering any questions on a topic that I, again, I don’t know who the person is and whether or not that person is or is not going to tell the truth.”

Trump welcomed the news in a Truth Social post on Sunday.

“Just reported that the most important witness to go before the New York City grand jury, a highly respected lawyer who once represented convicted felon, jailbird, and serial fake storyteller and liar, Michael Cohen, will be doing so tomorrow afternoon,” he wrote. “The information he will present will supposedly be conclusive and irrefutable! Witch hunt!!!”

Trump previously announced he expects to be arrested on Tuesday and would go willingly, though he called for supporters to protest in a separate Truth Social post.

The district attorney’s office has not publicly confirmed or announced a timeframe for any arrest.

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