
DeSantis Picks Up Another GOP Endorsement

Despite not yet announcing his run, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis picked up his second endorsement from a House Republican.

The Never Back Down super PAC, which supports DeSantis’s presidential bid, released a statement of endorsement from Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY).

Massie described DeSantis as a “proven energetic leader”.

“America needs a leader who is decisive, respects the Constitution, understands policy, puts family first, and leads by inspiring,” Massie said. “That’s why I’m endorsing Ron DeSantis for President.”

“If we make the right choices, America’s best days are in front of us. Let’s pick a proven energetic leader who can get us there,” he went on. “Let’s choose Ron DeSantis for President.”

Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) was the first House Republican to endorse DeSantis.

In a similarly worded email to supporters, he also called DeSantis a “vibrant” leader.

“America needs a leader who will truly defend her and empower the people against the destructive force of unrestrained government and corporate excess, profligate spending, and woke cultural indoctrination,” his email said.

“It’s time for younger, but proven, leadership to offer America eight solid years of transformational change,” Roy continued. “It’s time for Ron DeSantis to be President of the United States.”

Both congressmen have rocky relationships with former President Donald Trump.

Trump called for Massie to be ousted from the party after a tussle over a COVID relief package. MAGA-world also sparred with Roy after he pushed back against stolen election claims in 2020.

In spite of their history, Trump did endorse Massie for reelection, but the representative ultimately chose DeSantis to back.

“I’ve been honored to call Ron DeSantis a friend for over a decade,” Massie said. “During the six years we served together in Congress, I witnessed Ron fight for economic freedom, personal liberty, fiscal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government.”

“In his congressional office and as Governor, Ron has always surrounded himself with capable people who share his principles,” he continued. “Ron knows that putting America first means putting Americans first, not corporations, and he’s never backed down from a fight with the big guys in pharma, agriculture, and tech.”

DeSantis said he would announce his decision to run after Florida’s legislative session ends in May.


  1. I 100 percent agree with. All of these fools who doesn’t support Trump, the truly elected 2016 president who won by a landslide and had the election stolen from him and handed it to this bumbling idiot name Biden are just as evil and with out moral as Biden and the progressive left

  2. Trump can easily lock up the nomination but he has to show that he is a ‘Uniter’ willing to work with all the GOP Senators. This includes DeSantis..It would be to his benefit to reconcile any differences he has with DeSantis and isolate the known RINO’s Number one goal for the GOP should be to establish solidarity and unite under one banner and support the chosen leader, Casting open dispersion onto partner members publicly will split loyalties among the voters and weaken the party.
    Factionalizing the party has been a detriment and it cost the GOP the mid-terms, a normally slam dunk affair. That’s the fault of the RNC that could not control the ‘rife with division’ party of self serving members (like McConnell, Romney and several others). That is the GOP’s primary weakness and it has to be resolved and compromises met to insure a united front of one.

  3. I will vote for whoever wins the Republican Primary. If Trump tried to spoil a DeSantis win, I would be extremely furious. Republicans tend to eat their young in the primaries. Let’s just attack the bad guys. Stop attacking your own party. This will only help Democrats—citizens will be stuck in the crap you stir up.

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