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Biden’s Pro-Trans Title IX Revision Fails Woke Test

LGBT+ activists expressed their anger over the Biden administration’s revisions to Title IX in support of transgender athletes, saying it doesn’t go far enough to protect transgender youth.

The proposed revision, which was released by the Education Department, would prevent policies that “categorically” ban transgender athletes from participating in school sports on teams that align with their gender identity instead of their biological sex.

It represents a direct affront to the twenty states that passed bans doing exactly that.

However, under the proposal, K-12 schools would still be permitted to place limits on transgender athlete participation if district officials determine including them would undermine competitive fairness or increase the risk of injuries, according to a senior Education Department official.

“The proposed regulation would give schools flexibility to identify their own important educational objectives,” instead of the federal government implementing a blanket order.

Activists Feel ‘Betrayed’

LGBT+ activists responded with mixed reactions. Some broader organizations celebrated the perceived win, but transgender-focused activists said the revision is actually harmful.

Kelley Robinson, President of the Human Rights Campaign, said, “State lawmakers take note — discriminating against transgender athletes is wrong and a violation of federal law. This new rule makes that abundantly clear.”

But Imara Jones, the founder of TransLash Media, said, “The Biden Administration framed their proposal as a ban on blanket discrimination against trans athletes. But actually it provides guidelines for how schools and universities can ban trans athletes legally.”

Transgender activist Alejandra Caraballo, an instructor at Harvard Law School’s Cyberlaw Clinic, called the proposal a “backwards betrayal” on Twitter.

“He could have just done nothing,” she wrote. “This is legitimizing transphobia.”

Also on Twitter, New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, “Absolutely no reason for the Biden admin to do this. It is indefensible and embarrassing. The admin can still walk this back, and they should. It’s a disgrace.”


  1. There is no such an idiocy as trans, one of the latest political inventions to indoctrinate and groom our children. They are only biological men and female. The science is unable to change DNA between any living species. It amaze me, how minority LGBTQ+… whats ever…, can dictate their ideology to population. I am old enough to remember how that nonsense started, when still only LG, were saying that all what they want, is to have the right to get married and nothing else.

  2. This whole Trans Gender Bender Ideology is not only a clear and present danger, it’s intrinsically Evil beyond belief and a serious threat to the nation as a whole. It’s a total divorce from reality and a Mental Illness that’s rapidly developing into a Mass Delusional Psychosis. Enabling this Psychosis is Malpractice, and every Doctor and Health Care Professional promoting and enabling this mutilation, should immediately lose their license to practice.P
    The Democrat Party’s adoption of this lunacy is unforgivable, and no one supporting this Ideology should ever hold office. They have abandoned reality and are sharing in a Delusion so removed from reality, they evidence a total lack of rational judgment.
    It’s time to end this Farce.

  3. Title IX is a law passed by Congress. The President cannot just choose to define how it is to be looked at. That is for the courts to decide. The more any President looks like a dictator in deciding what laws to follow the worse off we become as a country.

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