Supreme Court of the US
via Marielam

Planned Parenthood Wants Supreme Court Expansion

The president of the pro-abortion organization Planned Parenthood called for lawmakers to expand the Supreme Court to dilute the current presence of conservative Justices.

In an interview on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki,” CEO Alexis McGill Johnson said recent attacks “on our democratic rights and our democratic freedoms” justifies structural changes to the court system.

“The reality is, the court now has been fully captured in so many areas. The fact that you have, again, this lone Texas judge, that can now bring cases, you can form shop there, bring cases to the Fifth Circuit, which is also conservative and up to the Supreme Court now, which has a conservative supermajority,” she said.

She also said ethical reforms are needed due to the “issues” that surround “people with lifetime appointments, that are very much out of step with where the majority of people are on a variety of issues.”

“It would be one thing to call for, you know, a justice to step down for whatever reason, but the reality is, that the, the way in which the system has been captured requires us to engage in structural reform in a different way,” McGill Johnson said.

Advocacy Group Launches Campaign

Over 30 organizations announced they would pool together to create the “Just Majority” campaign, which they said will advocate for a “fair and ethical” Supreme Court.

The groups include organizations like Color of Change, Greenpeace USA, NARAL Pro-Choice America and March for Our Lives Action Fund.

“The project will spotlight the crisis of legitimacy faced by the Court, highlighting the justices’ unethical behavior and partisan rulings, and make the case for structural reforms such as Court expansion,” the group said in a press release.

The campaign will include a bus tour with over 20 stops across the country to host events that advocate for “reproductive rights, gun violence prevention measures, and racial justice and civil rights.”


  1. Planned Parenthood needs to stay out of politics. Criminals don’t make laws, they break them…

  2. A “fair and ethical” supreme court , as long as they continue to let us make money off of the killing of baby’s. Our nation is a republic not on so called democratic rights and democratic freedoms which is no more then liberal mob rule.

    • I couldn’t have said it better myself. The USA is a ‘Constitutional-Republic’. Nowhere in the Declaration of Independence, no where in our US Constitution nor the Bill of Rights will you find the word, Democracy!

  3. The Constitution is working as designed to provide moral and legal stability for the common good. Your problem is that you don’t want individuals to first be responsible for their their conduct nor protect the incent.
    The stability of the court is far more important than to sway in favor of current trends, but maintain the the focus on the common good and protection of the innocents

  4. Planned Parent hood, aka the For Profit Dead Baby Maker Trafficker wants to tell the judiciary what to do to ensure an increase in child sacrifice of the 1st born….

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