[גיא יחיאלי, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Major Fundraiser Begs Biden To Change His Stance Against Israel

Democrats who don’t hate Israel have come out of the woodwork to demand that Joe Biden change his mind on his decision to launch an arms boycott against America’s oldest ally in the Middle East. 

A group advocating for Jewish and pro-Israel Democrats, for example, expressed profound worry regarding President Joe Biden’s “risky” choice to withhold weaponry from Israel due to its incursion into Rafah.

“We are deeply grateful for President Biden’s unprecedented support for Israel and its security,” Democratic Majority for Israel wrote in a statement on Wednesday. “At the same time, we are deeply concerned about the Administration’s decision to withhold weapons now and potentially impose further restrictions.”

They weren’t alone. Some of the biggest funders of Democratic campaigns have expressed concerns about Biden’s siding with Hamas. Axios received an email that one of the Democratic Party’s most important fundraisers sent to the White Housebegging the president to change his mind. 

Democratic megadonor and Israeli American Haim Saban emailed senior White House officials Wednesday asking them to pass along his criticism of Biden’s recent move to pause bomb shipments to Israel over a possible ground operation in Rafah.

“Bad, Bad, Baddecision, on all levels, Pls reconsider,” he wrote in a message obtained by Axios and other news outlets.

He added: “Let’s not forget that there are more Jewish voters, who care about Israel, than Muslim voters that care about Hamas.”

In February, Saban hosted a fundraiser for Biden’s re-election bid at his Los Angeles home. He said at the time that he had a private conversation with the president and that “Biden cares deeply about Israel, it’s in his kishkes.”

What Saban, who might be best known for inventing the Power Rangers, could never have predicted is that the Biden campaign would become obsessed with the Arabic vote in Michigan because a nearly a hundred thousand Democrats voted “uncontested” in that state’s primary. 

Ironically, however, Biden’s run to the left on Israel, upon advice from AOC, has not actually made those voters in the Great Lakes State support Biden. 

New Conservative Post recently reported that “despite all of his efforts to make the Hamas Caucus like him, it appears that Joe Biden will never be able to reconcile with crucial elements of the Democratic base in Michigan.”

 [Read More: Republicans Won’t Be Banning Abortion Federally]

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