[Screenshot, Twitter.com, Paul Syspula]

Biden’s Pier Literally Falling Apart

Earlier in the year, Biden, desperate to keep the anti-Israel vote in Michigan and Minnesota, announced that he’d be putting American troops in danger to build a pier in Gaza. 

It’s been a complete debacle, writes New Conservative Post. “The president has placed the lives of American troops in danger to deliver almost nothing to the Palestinians, according to new analysis of Biden’s latest pet project to help him get votes in Michigan and Minnesota.

‘With the crisis in Gaza worsening, a private humanitarian group staffed with former military and intelligence officials stumbled upon a surprising hurdle in its efforts to help the United States government rush supplies to Palestinian residents by boat: For several weeks, there was little to no aid ready to move.'”

Now, however, things have gone from bad to worse. The Times of Israel reported that Biden’s pier is not only failing to bring in goods to Palestinians, but it’s also literally falling apart. 

An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating pier disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas, leading it to get stuck on the coast of Ashdod, eyewitnesses say.

Another ship was then sent to try and extract the stuck vessel, but also got beached.

There are no reports of injuries in the incident.

As the port continues to fail, news from Israel said that Egyptian and Israeli soldiers were in a firefight this morning. 

The Jerusalem Post reported, “Israeli and Egyptian forces exchanged fire near Rafah on Monday, with sources in the IDF saying Egyptian soldiers fired at Israeli soldiers who returned fire, according to Maariv. An Egyptian soldier was killed in the exchange of fire.

After the incident, IDF officials made contact with Egyptian officials to cease the fire. No Israeli soldiers were injured in the incident.”

[Read More: Hillary Finds New Target For Blame Game]


  1. What can we expect from that senile old fart besides failures? Our tax dollars gone down the drain!

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