[Chuck Kennedy for The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Republicans Hold Merrick Garland In Contempt

“No one is above the law.”

That’s what has been said by Joe Biden and the Democrats ever since a jury found Donald Trump guilty of charges for crimes that the prosecution did not explicitly lay out in the case.

Now, House Republicans are seeing how committed Democrats are to those words.

Axios writes that the House of Representatives flexed some of its muscle against the Attorney General, who’s been accused of targeting conservatives and, in some cases, sending SWAT Teams to the homes of pro-life activists. They voted to hold him accountable for ignoring their request to release the interview that led Special Counsel Robert Hur to argue that Biden did not have the mental cognition to stand trial.

The House on Wednesday voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over audio of President Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur.

The vote is the culmination of months of digging by House Republicans to try to bring into public view as much material from the special counsel interview as possible.

The 216-207 vote is unlikely to result in Garland facing prosecution, but Republicans hope it will strengthen their subpoena for the audio files.

Rep. Dave Joyce (R-Ohio) was the lone GOP no vote. Joyce said in a statement: “I cannot in good conscience support a resolution that would further politicize our judicial system to score political points.”

In his February report, Hur stated that Biden experienced frequent memory lapses during his interview, causing prosecutors to conclude that the president would likely appear to a jury as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

The audio tapes must be devastating to the president’s reelection campaign. The Biden Department of Justice came up with one of the most absurd reasons possible to keep the tapes a secret, one that few are buying.

Throughout much of Biden’s term, the White House and Democrats have claimed that contempt of Congress was a serious crime that deserves jail time.

Democrats were fond of sayingeither we are all equal before the law or none of us is. This is the essence of our democracy.”

Everyone, that is, except Merrick Garland. The attorney general issued a statement in response to his charges, saying he will ignore them:

“It is deeply disappointing that this House of Representatives has turned a serious congressional authority into a partisan weapon. Today’s vote disregards the constitutional separation of powers, the Justice Department’s need to protect its investigations, and the substantial amount of information we have provided to the Committees.

I will always stand up for this Department, its employees, and its vital mission to defend our democracy.”

[Read More: Kevin McCarthy Takes Another Big Loss]


  1. Seen this movie a hundred times. Spoiler alert!!! The republicans will back down like the cowards they are.

  2. Yep maybe the Uniparty GOP & Never Trumpers win?
    while Bannon & others jailed for Contempt
    OK Garland submit

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