House Committee Finds Biden Did ‘High Crimes, Misdemeanors’

The House Oversight, Ways and Means, and Judiciary Committees have concluded its investigation into President Joe Biden, releasing a 291-page report that alleges Biden abused his office and violated his constitutional oaths. The report presents what the committees describe as overwhelming evidence that Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office for the benefit of his family.

Just The News states that the report shows rather clear evidence that the Biden Family has been selling out the United States for years.

“First and foremost, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family,” the committee’s concluded in the the report released the day Biden was to be honored at the opening of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

“Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden,” the executive summary added.

The report puts a finishing touch on a scandal that began in 2019 during the advent of the last presidential election, but it is unlikely to result in a formal impeachment since Biden has stepped down and handed over the reins of the Democratic Party to his vice president, Kamala Harris.

The committee cited evidence that Biden “actively participated” in an influence-peddling conspiracy by attending dinners with his family’s foreign associates and speaking to them over the phone. These interactions were documented by email evidence and testimony from several of Hunter Biden’s ex-business partners, including Devon Archer and Jason Galanis.

The committees also said evidence shows Hunter Biden used his father’s official position as vice president to “garner favorable outcomes in foreign business dealings and legal proceedings.”

The report’s release coincides with the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where Biden is scheduled to be honored on Monday evening. However, the report’s findings are unlikely to lead to a formal impeachment process, as Biden has effectively been sidelined by his own party and few are even sure if he’s even still in charge.

The report, which can be read in its entirely at this link, also criticizes the Department of Justice (DOJ) for allegedly deviating from standard practices to provide favorable treatment to Hunter Biden during his father’s presidency. IRS whistleblowers testified that the DOJ obstructed the investigation, preventing attorneys from pursuing certain lines of inquiry. The committees allege that Biden himself engaged in a cover-up by lying about his and his family’s conduct.

“President Joe Biden conspired to commit influence peddling and grift,” the committees wrote. “In doing so, he abused his office and, by repeatedly lying about his abuse of office, has defrauded the United States to enrich his family.”

The investigation revealed that Hunter Biden and other Biden family members received over $27 million from foreign sources, with many of these funds allegedly funneled through shell companies to obscure their origins. The report highlights a $1 million annual salary Hunter Biden received from Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company embroiled in corruption allegations, and a $5 million loan from CEFC China Energy, described as interest-free and forgivable.

The committees assert that Joe Biden’s vice-presidential status was a significant selling point in these transactions. They found evidence that Biden met or spoke with nearly all of his family’s foreign business associates, including those from Ukraine, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan. The committees cite examples where key payments or business developments for Hunter Biden followed meetings or calls between his partners and his father.

The report also uncovered significant financial assistance provided to Biden family members by Democratic donors. For instance, Hollywood lawyer and Democratic donor Kevin Morris provided Hunter Biden nearly $6 million in financial aid during the height of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. Additionally, loans from Democratic donors, including an $800,000 loan from Joey Langston and a $900,000 loan from Delaware car dealer John Hynansky, were identified.

The report serves as the culmination of a scandal that began in 2019, but with Biden no longer in office, it remains unclear what legal or political consequences, if any, will follow from these findings.

[Read More: Kamala’s Stepdaughter Pushes Drugs On Followers]


  1. Biden won’t face any consequences for his crimes or selling out our country because Garland is just as corrupt as he is. Everyone who concealed his mental condition and his fleecing of our country needs to be prosecuted.

  2. I totally agree with Russ. The House has spent years and millions of dollars in a “fake investigation” to try to make the public believe they are actually doing something. That something will end up resulting in “NOTHING BEING DONE AT ALL” because charges for Bidumb’s impeachment will never be accepted by the demonRAT controlled Senate. This has been the standard operating procedure of Congress for the past 80 years at least. NO POLITICIAN IS EVERY PUNISHED TO THE SAME EXTENT AS WE SUBJECTS OF THE RULING CLASS ELITISTS. The only way to fix a corrupt government is for the people to physically remove every corrupt official. When you have the weasel guarding the hen house there will be no good and fair outcome.

  3. Timing? BS
    These facts have been known for years. These evil communists ,who have taken over our country, believe they have found a way to make sure the Biden Crime Family members are never punished for their treason against the USA.

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