CBS Under Fire For Editing Answers

CBS is taking more heat over its scheme to edit the answers of American leaders to help one side. The Center for American Rights (CAR) officially filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) against WCBS-TV, a television station owned by CBS. The complaint claims that the station intentionally distorted news coverage, specifically in relation to two broadcasts that aired on CBS’s widely known shows Face the Nation and 60 Minutes on October 5 and 6. Both programs featured an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, and CAR alleges that CBS manipulated Harris’s responses to a question about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, showcasing conflicting answers across the two broadcasts. CAR argues this misrepresentation violated FCC regulations, which require broadcasters to serve the public interest by providing truthful news.

At the heart of the complaint is CAR’s assertion that CBS selectively edited the interview to present Vice President Harris in a contradictory manner. As part of its demands, CAR is calling on CBS to release the full, unedited transcript of the interview to clarify the discrepancies. This case, CAR insists, is not just about one network or interview, but a broader issue regarding the trust that the public places in the media, especially at a time when international relations and national security are critical to the upcoming presidential election.

Daniel Suhr, President of CAR, emphasized the importance of public trust in media coverage, particularly as voters head into one of the most consequential elections in recent history. He pointed out that intentional distortion of news could have serious consequences on voters’ understanding of global issues, like those related to Israel, at a critical moment. Suhr urged the FCC to act quickly, citing FCC rules that prohibit broadcasters from falsifying or suppressing news content.

In its formal complaint, CAR claims that CBS violated the public interest standards required by the FCC, which obligate broadcasters to present accurate news without manipulation. The organization is pushing for an FCC ruling that would compel CBS to provide transparency by releasing the uncut version of the interview.

This recent complaint is part of a broader pattern from CAR, which has raised similar concerns in recent weeks. In September, CAR filed a separate complaint against ABC News, accusing the network of favoritism in a debate between Vice President Harris and former President Donald Trump on September 10. CAR argued that ABC’s moderators unfairly targeted Trump while not pressing Harris on what it described as factual inaccuracies.

The cumulative effect of these complaints signals CAR’s ongoing effort to scrutinize the editorial practices of major media networks, especially in their coverage of the 2024 election. With the latest complaint gaining public attention, the next move lies with the FCC. Whether CBS will comply with the demand to release the full interview transcript remains uncertain, but the case highlights the growing tension between media organizations and watchdog groups like CAR in an increasingly polarized political climate.

CBS has been accused of becoming a propaganda outlet for the Democrats. In February, the news organization fired acclaimed reporter Catherine Herridge and seized her reporting notebooks because she purportedly had launched an investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings.

Earlier in the week, the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, showed that the network had edited his responses about ongoing recovery efforts in North Carolina. Unbeknownst to CBS, the GOP leader recorded his answers and compared them to what aired, showing a drastic difference and proving that CBS News alters answers to suit their narrative.

[Read More: Lincoln Statue Attacked By Leftists…Again]


  1. As long as the members of the FCC agency are basically anonymous how can anybody trust what goes on within the FCC ?? If, like MOST government agencies that are part of the Deep State, the FCC is most probably filled with liberal progressives so, it’s activities must become totally transparent. There must be “citizen monitors” of all of these agencies by members of the public chosen at random.

  2. A horseshit outfit like CBS shouldn’t have a license to begin with. They are right up there with the National Enquirer.

  3. What should be the biggest concern is which lame stream media are and have been doing the same thing, and for decades.
    IMHO they figured out how much they could directly influence public opinion after they saw what happened due to the Kennedy/Nixon ‘debate’. Remember that those same tactics were employed by pundits back in the ’30s with them calling both adolf and ‘uncle joe (essentially) ‘good guys’ for ‘solving’ their nations economic woes. benito got the trains running on time as well.
    They didn’t call it ‘yellow journalism’ for nothing.

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