During an event in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where a 25-year-old woman was brutally murdered by an illegal immigrant, former President Donald Trump took Biden’s
Stephen A. Smith is known for his bombastic comments when it comes to sports. Now, he’s angered Democrats by keeping score in
Nikki Haley has finally won a primary. After taking loss after loss in the early contests, the former UN Ambassador took home
Democrats have spent the last year or so explaining that the only way to save democracy is to make sure that people
On Monday, Donald Trump, Jr. received a threat that scrambled local authorities to his home after an alarming letter, accompanied by white
Although he’s dominating the Republican presidential primary, Donald Trump still has some obstacles if he intends to use the Republican National Committee
With the prospect of Donald Trump returning to the White House, Democrats are rallying to Joe Biden, despite his clear deficiencies. No
Donald Trump is currently holding private talks regarding the endorsement of his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, for the position of co-chair of the
Earlier in the week, reports revealed that President Joe Biden loathes Donald Trump and frequently uses a derogatory term in private to describe his
Joe Biden has always pitched his relationship with Barack Obama as one of friendship, but that might be changing. As the president