
Biden Launches Abortion Response After GOP Debate

President Joe Biden’s campaign launched a new ad targeting Republicans on the abortion stances voiced during the debate.

The advertisement was first aired on MSNBC and features the Republican candidates calling for national limits on abortion.

“On Wednesday, MAGA Republicans came to the debate stage and boasted about their support to strip women of the right to make their own health care decisions,” campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez said in a statement.

“I’m the one that got rid of Roe v. Wade,” former President Donald Trump says in the ad, which then displays a headline reading, “DeSantis signs Florida GOP’s 6-week abortion ban into law.”

Senator Tim Scott then says, “I would literally sign the most the most conservative pro-life legislation that they can get through Congress.”

The spot is part of a $25 million dollar investment by Biden’s campaign targeting women in battleground states. It will run in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Abortion Remains a Divisive Issue Among Voters

Polls consistently show the reversal of Roe v. Wade remains deeply unpopular with voters. A recent poll from June shows 61% of voters disapprove of the decision.

Among all Americans, support for first trimester abortions hit an all time high with almost 70% of Americans saying abortion should generally be legal for the first three months of pregnancy, or 12 weeks.

“They will never allow a national abortion ban to become law,” the ad’s narrator says of the Biden/Harris administration.

“As long as they are in office, decisions about your body will be made by you, not by them,” the ad concludes.

The issue remains a concern for Republicans, who will need to convince independent voters to ultimately win the presidency.

“Most of these swing voters are pro-choice, and tonight’s messages will likely put them off when Dems highlight it,” said said Rich Thau, moderator of the Swing Voter Project.


  1. I’ll take life over death any time! A “womans right to choose” is actually a womans right to kill!

  2. Amen to both of these comments. Joe Biden has the audacity ro call himself a Catholic,
    Carrying Rosary Beads does not make you faithful to Catholic teaching, Joe. Shame on you!

  3. Shame on you Mr. Biden🤥! You claim to be a Catholic! Guess your Nuns and Priests didn’t teach you well – Abortion is Murder!!! Have you been to church lately? The Rules haven’t changed!

  4. Biden is no God. God would never allow a person, be it a mother or doctor take the life of a child. They tear a baby up sucking it out of a woman’s womb. Tears arms and limbs off this breathing and living being just because you don’t want it. You people are sick. And our laws do no overtake Gods Laws Ever.

  5. Anyone who believes that women should have the right to an abortion during the first 3 months of pregnancy is WRONG. There should never be a right to pay someone to commit murder which is what a woman does when she has an abortion. Abortion is NOT health care. Calling abortion healthcare does not make it so. Politicians cannot take away rights that you do not have. Those who call abortion health care and those who say the Republican candidates for President are attempting to take away women’s rights are LIARS.

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