[Katherine Barner, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Democratic Senator Slammed For Wife’s Alleged Antisemitism

A Democratic senator has been put in an awkward position following accusations that his wife is an antisemite. According to allegations, the wife of Senator Martin Heinrich, a Democrat from New Mexico, led an effort to cancel the show of a Jewish American singer after anti-Israel activists complained. 

The Washington Examiner discussed how the senator has been caught up in between a popular singer and his leftwing wife who bowed to radical pressure. 

Matisyahu, a Pennsylvania native famous for songs such as “One Day” and “King Without a Crown,” had his sold-out Wednesday show unexpectedly canceled by Santa Fe’s Meow Wolf, prompting pro-Palestinian activists to take credit for pressuring the venue, KOAT reported. Meanwhile, Meow Wolf counts its chief impact officer as Julie Heinrich, who was also chief of staff and executive director of its foundation until May 2023, according to tax forms reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

“Without our permission or approval, the venue in Santa Fe misinformed our fans canceling the show due to ‘security concerns,’ when the only concern was a group of staff unwilling to work my show,” Matisyahu, whose birth name is Matthew Paul Miller, said in a statement on Thursday on X.

That Martin Heinrich’s wife is involved with Meow Wolf could serve as baggage for the Democrat, who has called for the United States to resume aid to the Hamas-tied United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which Israel says employed 12 people who participated in the Oct. 7 attack against the Jewish state. Martin Heinrich joined 10 senators in January to vote in favor of a resolution led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that would have tasked the State Department with investigating Israel for war crimes and may have resulted in the U.S. cutting Israeli aid, Jewish Insider reported.

“There is no excuse for Meow Wolf and Julie Heinrich’s antisemitic actions against Matisyahu,” National Republican Senatorial Committee spokeswoman Maggie Abboud told the Washington Examiner. “Martin Heinrich should denounce this decision immediately.”

According to TMZ, “Matisyahu insists he’s not pushing his politics at his shows … admitting he sometimes makes statements against Hamas but keeps political division out of his performances for the most part.

If boycotters are hoping to discourage Matisyahu … it’s not working so far, with him saying he’s willing to play at any venue willing to host him and his group. He even mentioned his cousin who goes to school in Tucson — and said he’d put on a show at a frat house if they’re interested!”

Anti-Israel protestors have been working to shut down venues that have criticized Hamas for its terrorist attack on October 7 last year. In November 2023, for example, a mob of pro-Palestinian activists attacked a showing of a film revealing the atrocities committed by Hamas.

America’s News Desk wrote, “It was a reminder of just how depraved the October 7 attack against civilians by Hamas really was, and she believed she had to show it to the world. That’s why at the Los Angeles Museum of Tolerance, Israeli actress Gal Gadot screened the film “Bearing Witness to the October 7 Massacre,” a 45-minute-long compilation of videos shot by Hamas terrorists during their attack. The disturbing footage shows graphic images of murder and destruction, including children being shot and killed in their pajamas.

Amnon Shefler, the international spokesman for the IDF, told Fox News, ‘They were proud of the depravity and wanted the world to know what they did.’

For him, and all the other attendees, it made what was happening right outside the theater doors even more sickening.

As journalists watched the horrors of Hamas on the big screen–despite being invited by the “Wonder Woman” star, no celebrities showed up to the screening–a mob of Pro-Palestine supporters attacked peacefully protesting Jews outside the Museum of Tolerance.”

The Democratic senator was called out by a fellow Democrat, House member Richie Torres. 

Senator Heinrich has not issued a statement about his wife’s alleged actions. 

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