[U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Hunter’s Wife Has Breakdown During His Trial

Maybe it’s the stress of seeing three past romantic partners gearing up to explain the public how awful her husband is, but Hunter Biden’s current wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, had a complete breakdown at the courthouse during her husband’s felony gun trial on Tuesday.

When she saw Garrett Ziegler, who previously worked for President Trump, attending the trial, she began screaming at him. The Independent explained how Hunter Biden’s current wife lost her composure.

In the hallway of the J Caleb Boggs Federal Building on Tuesday, Melissa allegedly confronted Garrett Ziegler – who Biden is currently suing for his alleged role in publishing emails and photos from Biden’s laptop.

Upon seeing Ziegler, Melissa approached him and pointed her finger in his face, loudly saying, “You have no right to be here you Nazi piece of s****.”

Ziegler apparently did not respond before Melissa walked away.

Ziegler worked in the White House under Trump adviser Peter Navarro as a staffer, and gained notoriety for his outspoken criticism of Biden.

The pro-Trump Republican was one of the people who revealed the Hunter Biden laptop, which the FBI confirmed as real in court on Tuesday, reported NBC News.

“Ziegler, who worked on trade policy in the White House, was part of an effort by Trump allies to make public the contents of a laptop to embarrass Joe Biden’s son in the final days of the 2020 election. Hunter Biden sued Ziegler and the company he founded, Marco Polo, in September of last year, claiming they broke state and federal laws in an effort to create a searchable online database with 128,000 emails.

[He] has been in attendance both days of Hunter Biden’s criminal trial, where the first son is accused of lying on a federal form when he purchased a gun by saying he was not a drug addict.

Asked afterward about the confrontation in the hallway, Ziegler told NBC News, ‘It’s sad. I’ve been sitting here the whole time and haven’t approached anyone.'”

Melissa could be on edge because of how her husband’s defense team plans to treat Beau Biden’s widow and Hunter’s former lover, whom he got addicted to crack cocaine.

Hunter’s defense lawyer shocked the courtroom on Tuesday by trying to pin the charges on Hallie Biden during opening statements.

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