[David Lienemann, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

China Is Providing Resources To Infiltrating America’s Border

A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation has uncovered that a private social network, operated by an individual claiming to be a Chinese government agent, is providing illegal immigrants with resources to enter the U.S. and avoid border authorities.

The outlet revealed  CCP-related documents offering detailed methods for Chinese illegal immigrants to enter the United States illegally and evade border security.

The American Self-Guided Tour Channel is a Chinese-language group with over 8,000 members on the encrypted instant messaging platform Telegram that serves as both a forum for discussing Chinese illegal immigration and a hub for documents detailing specific routes to the U.S., a DCNF review of the channel found.

Documents in the Telegram channel translated by the DCNF identify U.S. border wall gaps, instruct Chinese nationals on how to answer questions from Border Patrol agents and provide scripts for requesting asylum.  

Furthermore, the channel is overseen by an individual who spreads Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda, bans accounts who fail to toe the Party line and identifies himself as a Chinese police officer.

“We’re allowing an element that is completely beyond our law to be established firmly as a beachhead in the United States of America, and the people of America are going to pay a severe price, much worse than we are paying even now,” North Carolina Republican Rep. Dan Bishop said after learning about the findings of the DCNF’s investigation.

A huge number of Chinese began coming to the United States through the southern border during the pandemic. In 2023, around 37,000 Chinese citizens were apprehended at the border by the Department of Homeland Security, a number nearly 50 times larger than in 2021.

Straight Arrow News reports that “these Chinese citizens are using Ecuador as their corridor into the United States. Ecuador did not require people from China to have a visa in order to fly there, however, that changed on June 18.

Ecuador’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility suspended its “visa waiver” into the country for Chinese nationals. It attributed the policy change to a ‘worrying increase’ in numbers of people coming from China and not leaving.”

“Approximately 50% of these entries have not left through regular routes and within the time established by law,” an Ecuadorian minister said in a statement. “For this reason, they would be in the country in an irregular migration situation or would have left through irregular routes to other destinations in the Hemisphere.”

One leader of a local border town expressed concern to The Daily Caller, “When I’ve been out at the border, most of my interactions have been with Chinese people,” the mayor of El Cajon, California, said. “I’ve come across migrant encampments, where there’s 100 or so Chinese people waiting to move on to the next stage. You would think that something of such major importance to not only the nation, but to municipalities, you would have somebody from the government calling you and saying, ‘Hey, this is what we know. This is what’s going on.’ We have no idea.”

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