[Kevin Stabinsky (USAG Fort McPherson), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

American Military Bases Across Europe Put On High Alert

American military bases in Europe have been placed on higher security alert due to “a combination of factors” that could impact the safety of troops and their families, military officials announced Monday.

U.S. European Command, which oversees 83,000 American troops stationed at Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps installations across the continent, is “redoubling its efforts to stress vigilance during the summer months,” according to a statement released Monday.

The new threats rise as American military families worry about Biden’s cognition after he failed to recognize that U.S. troops have died under his watch.

Stars and Stripes reports that there have been credible threats in the region.

At U.S. European Command headquarters in Stuttgart, the Army garrison on Sunday issued a communitywide alert that the force protection threat level was elevated to condition “Charlie” until further notice.

Similar directives were sent to other bases in Germany, including the Army’s Rheinland-Pfalz and Ramstein Air Base, which together form the largest U.S. military community overseas. The Rheinland-Pfalz garrison alert includes Baumholder and outlying installations in Romania and Bulgaria.

Aviano Air Base in Italy also rose its condition level to Charlie, and other installations in Italy introduced enhanced security measures.

The Charlie threat level “applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely,” according to the Army’s website.

“There is credible intel pointing to an attack against U.S. bases over the next week or so,” a U.S. defense official told Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson. 

The official also said the increased security had no connection to the French elections, which sparked riots after the right-leaning party won.

The increased alert comes just days after Vladimir Putin blamed the United States for a Ukrainian attack on civilians in the city of Sevastopol last week.

[Read More: The Kamala Problem Hits Democrats]


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