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Blinken Says Iran Weeks Away From Nuclear Weapon

America’s chief diplomat issued a scary statement about the White House’s favorite foreign enemy earlier in the week.

CNN writes that “Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday said that Iran’s breakout time – the amount of time needed to produce enough weapons grade material for a nuclear weapon – “is now probably one or two weeks” as Tehran has continued to develop its nuclear program.

The assessment marks the shortest breakout time that US officials have ever referenced and comes as Iran has taken steps in recent months to boost its production of fissile material.

Blinken said the policy of the US is to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and that the administration would prefer to stop that from happening through diplomacy.

Over a year ago a top US Defense Department official said that Iran could now produce ‘one bomb’s worth of fissile material’ in ‘about 12 days.’”

Blinken’s interview came just days after intelligence reports revealed that Iran has been working on attempts to assassinate Donald Trump and his senior staffers.

The White House has been accused multiple times of having a soft spot for Iran. Blinken’s kowtowing to the Islamist regime has gone so far as to offer tacit approval for an attack against Israel. He also provided billions of dollars to the nation’s radical leaders despite the nation funding terrorism against American soldiers.

Last year, an investigation revealed that Biden had allowed Iranian spies to infiltrate the Pentagon and, after learning about it, permitted them to stay on the job.

The president’s “special envoy” to Iran, Robert Malley, was removed from office after an investigation indicated he had been working for Iran.

In May, The Washington Post reported that “Malley, who was appointed to his role by President Biden in 2021 and was intimately involved in back-channel talks with Iran, was placed on leave and had his security clearance suspended in April 2023….the top Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees sent a letter…to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, decrying the lack of information about the official investigation and laying out the results of their own inquiry.

‘Due to the Department’s evasiveness and lack of transparency, we have worked to glean information from other sources,’ Sen. James E. Risch (Idaho) and Rep. Mike McCaul (Tex.) wrote in the letter. ‘Our own investigations have uncovered the following information and troubling allegations. We ask that you confirm the information we have learned.’

Risch and McCaul are asking the State Department to confirm that Malley’s security clearance was suspended by the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service because he ‘allegedly transferred classified documents to his personal email account and downloaded these documents to his personal cell phone.’ Through leaks in the Tehran Times, an Iranian state-controlled media outlet, it had already been reported that Malley was under federal investigation for potentially mishandling classified documents, but Risch and McCaul are claiming to have discovered more details.”

[Read More: WSJ Journalist Sentenced To 16 Years]


  1. “Blinken said the policy of the US is to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and that the administration would prefer to stop that from happening through diplomacy.” He can’t be serious. This administrations definition of diplomacy is appeasement and send them more of our taxpayer dollars. Next, he’ll be sending James Taylor over there to sing them a song.

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