[Marc Nozell from Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Found To Have Violated Federal Law

Anyone who remembers the 2016 presidential campaign will recall the several ways that Hillary Clinton and her team routinely broke rules.

Whether they were pushing fake dossiers or defending the former secretary of State against claims she violated federal laws, the Clintons and their allies often acted like they believed that the rules were for the little guys.

The Washington Examiner reports that a recent court decision revealed more ways that Clinton and her campaign against Donald Trump skirted campaign regulations.

In the landmark decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said Clinton and the super PAC Correct the Record improperly used an “internet exemption” to sidestep other restrictions to set up a “Benghazi Hearing War Room” and conduct a witch hunt of critics without reporting it as a campaign expense.

Neither Clinton nor Correct the Record founder David Brock will be punished under the 36-page decision that instead scolded the Federal Election Commission for not investigating a complaint about the spending. It sent the case to the FEC to fix the exemption.

“We hold that the Commission acted contrary to law in dismissing the complaint. Because we conclude that the internet exemption cannot be read to exempt from disclosure those expenditures that are only tangentially related to an eventual internet message or post, the Commission’s reading of the internet exemption stretches it beyond lawful limits,” the court said.

The case dates to the 2016 campaign when Brock set up his group and told the media that he would coordinate with the Clinton campaign. That appeared to violate rules barring PAC and candidate coordination. But the group said since it was going to do its business on the internet, it would tap into a 2006 FEC “internet exemption” to get around that rule.

Clinton has claimed to have closed the door on running for president again, but that hasn’t stopped some pollsters from seeing how’d she’d fare as a replacement for Joe Biden.

The Hill reported a Democratic pollster found that Clinton is one of the few Democrats to lead Trump in a hypothetical matchup. The former secretary of State “polled 2 points ahead of the former president, while 6 percent of votes went to a third-party candidate and 10 percent were undecided, Bendixen & Amandi Inc noted.”  

[Read More: Biden Pushes Back Against Parkinson’s Rumor]


  1. Hillary and her media bitches are pushing her as a replacement for Biden. Why doesn’t the media ask her about the Russia, Russia, Russia dossier she created?

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