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Supreme Court Ruling Protects Women’s Sports

The Supreme Court declined the White House’s emergency request to partially reinstate Biden’s new Title IX rule on Friday.

The 5-4 decision upholds lower court injunctions in nearly half of states that block a new rule that includes, for the first time, sexual orientation and gender identity in Title IX, according to the high court. The administration sought to narrow these injunctions, which prevent the enforcement of rules concerning gender identity.

The White House argued the injunctions should not obstruct the enforcement of other revised elements of Title IX, including enhanced protections for pregnant students and improved processes for handling retaliation and record-keeping, the document revealed. The court’s unsigned order stated the government did not provide adequate grounds to overturn the lower courts’ decisions, which found the disputed provisions were intertwined with other parts of the new rule.

Fox News writes that Biden’s request would have permitted biological men in women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and dorms in 10 states where there are state-level and local-level rules in place to prevent it.

The sweeping rule was issued in April and clarified that Title IX’s ban on “sex” discrimination in schools covers discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation and “pregnancy or related conditions.”

More than two dozen Republican attorneys general sued over the rule and argued it would conflict with some of their state laws that block transgender students from participating in women’s sports. 

A coalition of female athletes, along with 26 states, petitioned the Supreme Court this week to hear a challenge regarding state laws that prohibit transgender women from competing in sports against biological female athletes.

In a filing submitted on Wednesday, 102 female athletes, coaches, and parents urged the justices to consider legal challenges involving laws from Idaho and West Virginia, explained The Washington Times. These laws are designed to protect female sports by banning transgender athletes from competing in women’s categories. The petitioners argued that physical fitness tests consistently show a difference in athletic performance between men and women across all age groups, emphasizing the need for the Supreme Court to address these issues and uphold the protections for female athletes.

“A growing number of women and girls have been facing the humiliating and damaging experience of being forced to compete against males who identify as transgender in the women’s sports category,” the athletes’ filing read.

“It is hard to express the pain, humiliation, frustration and shame women experience when they are forced to compete against males in sport. It is public shaming and suffering, an exclusion from women’s own category.”

[Read More: Democrats Try To Block Third Parties]


  1. Mental illness should never be ignored! Someone is going to get hurt. Could be the persons with mental illness or persons they come in contact with.

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