Democrats may need a miracle to maintain their majority in the Senate after 2024, and they’ve turned their eyes to Montana in
When she was 16, Prisha Mosley was convinced by doctors that the way to help her depression was to “transition” from being
Joe Biden has long has a soft spot for Iran. Throughout 2020, the president campaigned on restoring “the Iran Deal,” in which
Earlier in the year, Biden, desperate to keep the anti-Israel vote in Michigan and Minnesota, announced that he’d be putting American troops
Hillary Clinton will never get over missing a layup to become president, first in 2008 and then in 2016. Earlier this month,
Sonia Sotomayor has had a rough few years. February, it was reported that the liberal Supreme Court Justice had been traveling around with a
Joe Biden may not be on the ballot in Ohio this November and it will only be his own fault. Ohio law states that nominees need to be officially
As Joe Biden has continued to trail in the polls, Democrats have convinced themselves that they have a silver bullet for defeating Donald Trump this November. They’d win Nikki Haley voters to
The Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington D.C. has been placed on lockdown. On Wednesday morning, the building near the Capitol received a strange package that sent
The Biden White House is again facing criticism for showing favoritism to Iran and the Mullahs after the administration sent condolences following