New York Mayor Says God Told Him to Lead

Democrat Mayor Eric Adams revealed God has visited him several times to foretell his election and instructed him to preach publicly about his faith.

At a Sunday mass in Brooklyn, Adams described his initial encounter with God.

“Thirty something years ago I woke up, out of my sleep in a cold sweat. God spoke to my heart and said, ‘You are going to be the mayor January 1, 2022,'” he said.

“God stated, ‘You cannot be silent. You must tell everyone you know!’”

“And I [would] go around the city…and I would tell everybody, ‘I’m going to be mayor January 1, 2022. People used to think I was on medication!” he remembered.

He then stated as that fateful date grew closer, he was visited again by God.

“God said, ‘write in your journal everything that you see that needs to be fixed in the city. And every night before going to bed, I’d make another entry in my journal, and I’d start making marks and I would start seeing the people who I needed to be part of my administration. So, the people you see in my administration, they’re not here by accident!”

Adams then claimed God visited him once more just several months ago.

“Let me tell you what happened a couple of months ago: The same message I got 30 years ago, a few months ago, I woke up with the same statement. God said, ‘Talk about God.’ And I started to say ‘don’t tell me about separation of church and state.'”

The mayor made headlines when he decried the separation of church and state and praised prayer in schools earlier this year.

“I can’t separate my belief because I’m an elected official. When I walk, I walk with God. When I talk, I talk with God. When I put policies in place, I put them in with a God-like approach to them. That’s who I am,” he said at the time.

He told his audience that everything from homelessness to domestic violence to guns in schools can be linked to a lack of faith.


  1. And I suppose God told him to support/encourage puberty blockers/trans surgery for children; undermine parental authority of their children; support exposing children to drag shows, and making drugs/paraphernalia available for free through vending machines.

    • He makes it sounds like it must be a pagan god talking to him….if Christians object and demonstrate over what the Mayor is doing …they get arrested.

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