[Chase Doak, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Another Balloon Has Entered American Airspace

It’s happening again. American military leaders are following another high-altitude balloon that has come into the airspace of the United States. 

American military officials claim that national security has not been threatened at this time. 

CBS News broke the story about the balloon, saying that it had entered the western United States earlier in the day, 

NORAD, the military command responsible for air defense over the U.S. and Canada, later confirmed it had detected the object and said it was floating between 43,000 and 45,000 feet. Its presence prompted enough concern that the command sent aircraft to investigate.

“The balloon was intercepted by NORAD fighters over Utah, who determined it was not maneuverable and did not present a threat to national security. NORAD will continue to track and monitor the balloon,” NORAD said in a statement. “The FAA also determined the balloon posed no hazard to flight safety.”

One U.S. official told CBS News the balloon was expected to be over Georgia by Friday night. The official said the balloon appeared to be made of Mylar and had a small cube-shaped box, about two feet long on each side, hanging below it. Its origins and purpose remain unknown.

Almost exactly a year ago, a Chinese spy balloon floated across the United States while President Biden insisted that there was nothing he could do until he ordered the military to shoot it down over the Atlantic in waters that made its retrieval difficult.

A few weeks later, New Conservative Post reported “that the president knew about the craft before it even entered American territory but did nothing. The White House covered up its incompetence with help from the media, but now it turns out that national security secrets may have been stolen by China. 

The White House assured the public that the balloon was not gathering important national security intelligence. It turns out they weren’t telling the truth. 

Two senior American officials and a former senior administration official told NBC News that the spy aircraft gathered sensitive intelligence of American military sites, “despite the Biden administration’s efforts to block it from doing so.”

The lack of response to the Chinese spy balloon received renewed skepticism last November when it was revealed that Hunter Biden received a huge paycheck from a company affiliated with the Chinese government and the Delaware home of Joe Biden was used as the beneficiary address for the funds.


  1. This admin is so woefully weak on US security they will let any ‘unidentified’ intelligence device to fly over . Any other country would have. Hot it down. Especially if it’s ‘unidentified’ and its intent also known. Ridiculous national defense procedure. By a ridiculous admin.

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