[Suijur, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Louisiana Governor Offers Simple Advice For Those Offended By The Ten Commandments

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has a simple suggestion for parents up in arms over the state’s decision to display the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.

“Tell your child not to look at them.”  

That’s what the Republican governor told reporters earlier in the week.

Landry defended the controversial legislation during a news conference, where he outlined Louisiana’s strategy to counter a lawsuit claiming it is unconstitutional to hang the Ten Commandments in state-funded schools and colleges.

NBC News writes that the law requires all public K-12 schools and colleges to display the Ten Commandments by January.

Louisiana public school students are returning to classrooms for the new school year over the coming days but, as of Monday, Attorney General Liz Murrill told reporters that she was unaware of any schools that have started hanging posters of the Ten Commandments.

Murill held up an example of a poster that can be displayed, saying it was “not very big.” She added that no public funds will be required to be spent on printing the posters and they can be supplied through private donations.

Murrill said that the state on Monday planned to file its motion to seek the suit’s dismissal, with officials calling the families’ complaint “premature.” She added that the state will argue how there are “numerous ways” the law can be applied constitutionally, and said having a display of the Ten Commandments in classrooms allows for “powerful teaching moments.”

Landry signed the GOP-backed legislation in June, making Louisiana the first state to mandate schools to display posters of the Ten Commandments, a religious text given to Moses in the Bible.

However, the decision has sparked a lawsuit from a coalition of parents from Jewish, Christian, Unitarian Universalist, and nonreligious backgrounds. They argue that the legislation “substantially interferes with and burdens” their First Amendment rights to raise their children according to their own religious beliefs.

Landry maintains that the opposition to the law is baseless. He emphasized that House Bill 71 passed with significant bipartisan support, including votes from some Democrats.

That state recently filed a motion to dismiss the First Amendment challenge in federal court.

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  1. As usual the complainers ignore the obvious and ‘feel’ that they must assert their will on everyone else. Here’s an easy example that even the densest of them ‘might’ understand: if someone doesn’t like anchovies on their pizza, Don’t Get Anchovies On Your Pizza, let those who want to do so, nah they would rather force elimination of anchovies for everyone.

  2. Which of the 10 commandments do they not agree with?
    Thy shall not kill? Is murder okay?
    Thy shall not steal ? Is stealing okay?
    Take each one of the 10 and ask the same question.

    There are some really strange people out there. Stay away from them as if your life depends upon it, because it may!

  3. I view the 10 Commandments as historical and part of the worlds collection of great documents of inspiring wisdom which are part and parcel of our ancient and international history offering those so interest a greater degree of wisdom and comprehension of life upon studying, reading and practicing them. To each his own as is so often suggested.

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