
DeSantis Bizarrely Accuses Trump of ‘Colluding’ with Big Tech

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis accused the Trump administration of “colluding” with Big Tech to bury the Hunter Biden story in 2020.

DeSantis made the comments to Fox News host Mario Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures”.

“I look back at the Hunter Biden censorship, which was a huge, huge deal to happen in the 2020 election, and yet those were Donald Trump’s own agencies that were colluding with Big Tech. I would never allow that to happen. I would fire those people immediately,” DeSantis said.

Republicans have accused the FBI and social media companies of colluding to bury a story about the contents of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden before the 2020 elections, but until now no one has tied former President Donald Trump or his people to those actions.

It’s an odd accusation, given the story could have helped Trump defeat Biden and win reelection.

DeSantis went on to criticize Trump for not immediately “cleaning house” at the Justice Department.

“We will end the weaponization of government. And that’s, of course, a new FBI director on day one,” DeSantis said, citing a campaign promise he frequently makes. “That’s a difference between me and Donald Trump. He says the jury is still out on FBI Director Wray. I think you need a new start on day one. We’re going to clean house at the Department of Justice.”

He concluded by calling the story a distraction and presenting himself as a more disciplined alternative to Trump.

“But here’s what it requires, Maria. It requires a president that is disciplined, a president that is focused,” he said. “You can’t get distracted on this. These people are not going to voluntarily give up the power that they have accumulated over many decades of neglect. I have shown in Florida the ability to get the job done.”

DeSantis has trailed Trump significantly in all major polls.


  1. The headline writer lied. DeSantis accused Trump of ALLOWING the swamp to collude with Big Tech. He DID NOT accuse Trump of colluding.

  2. DeSantis did not accuse Trump, he accused “Donald Trump’s own agencies” which is correct as far as I know. Anyway, I will vote for DeSantis in the Michigan PRIMARY because I know too many people who would vote for DeSantis but not Trump. Regardless, I will vote for whoever is the Republican Party Nominee for For US President.

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