Hunter Biden Had Contract With Romanian Oligarch

Hunter Biden has been hiding one of his “clients” who hired him as his father was preparing to run for president. Investigators from Special Counsel David Weiss’s office have claimed that the son of the president accepted payments from a Romanian oligarch who intended to “influence government agencies” when Joe Biden served as vice president.

Although he’s no longer running for reelection, Joe Biden remains president and has nothing to lose while his son may be milking every penny he can grab in the short time that his father has left in the White House.

If true, the allegation would mark the closest prosecutors have come to tying President Joe Biden to his son’s overseas business endeavors — a matter congressional Republicans have spent years scrutinizing.

The special counsel’s claim, in a court filing Wednesday in the younger Biden’s federal tax case, stems from Hunter Biden’s work on behalf of Gabriel Popoviciu, a wealthy Romanian who prosecutors say hired the president’s son for legal work in late 2015.

Popoviciu was at the time facing corruption charges in his home country.

At Hunter Biden’s upcoming tax trial, “the government will introduce the evidence … that [Hunter Biden] and Business Associate 1 received compensation from a foreign principal who was attempting to influence U.S. policy and public opinion and cause the United States to investigate the Romanian investigation of [Popoviciu] in Romania,” prosecutors wrote in Wednesday’s filing.

According to prosecutors, Hunter Biden and his business associate “were concerned that lobbying work might cause political ramifications for the defendant’s father,” so the deal was structured in a way that “concealed the true nature of the work he was performing.”

The filings also revealed that Biden did almost no work despite receiving a huge paycheck.

“The evidence will show the defendant performed almost no work in exchange for the millions of dollars he received from these entities,” the filing states.

House Republicans, The Hill noted, “responded to the filing by touting their longtime probes into alleged “influence peddling,” with a focus on Hunter Biden.

The House Judiciary Committee responded with a two-word post on Twitter: “Told ya.”

“The Biden family’s influence peddling schemes in Romania were documented in @GOPoversight’s bank records memorandum in May 2023,” House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) posted on Twitter in response to the filing.

Although Hunter Biden has served as one of his father’s closest advisers, Joe Biden was not directly implicated in the alleged wrongdoing.

[Read More: Pence Stays On The Sideline]


  1. How can democrats be so stupid? Or are they all so corrupt that this is normal for them? How can they defend Hunter or Joe Biden and what they were doing?

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